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CouchDB is a non-relational, or “NoSQL” database designed with scalability and a more trouble-free experience in mind.
CouchDB, a non-relational or “NoSQL” database, uses HTTP APIs and JSON documents, making its concepts more intuitive to those familiar with web technologies.
CouchDB is a non-relational document based database. Like other entrants into the “NoSQL” field, CouchDB attempts to provide a more flexible data storage system for use in custom application development.
CouchDB is a non-relational document-based database. Like other entrants into the “NoSQL” field, CouchDB attempts to provide a more flexible data storage system for use in custom application development.
CouchDB is a non-relational, document based database. Like other entrants into the “NoSQL” field, CouchDB attempts to provide a more flexible data storage system for use in custom application development.
Futon is a web-based administrative interface for Apache CouchDB. You can use SSH to connect to your Linode’s CouchDB server and then access Futon securely through your web browser.
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CouchDB is a document-centered database system built in the Erlang Language that provides fast and flexible access to structured schema-less data.